Kategorie: Kurzmeldungen
Zugriffe: 11848

Die EJC 2016 braucht unsere Unterstützung! Lasst uns unseren Nachbarn helfen!

Here is a message that the EJC 2016 team asked us to spread:
Hello Everybody,

I'm Jolien one of the organisers of next year EJC and i'm emailing all off you (with permision from core 2015) to ask for a favour:

EJC 2016 is in the running for a price of € 25.000, to make it an even greater festival. We need your help. We need more votes (before wednesday!!) to make this happen.

Can you please vote via http://bit.ly/stemejc

by clicking on the red button "Stem op dit idee". Fill in your first name (Voornaam), surname (Achternaam) and email address. Tick the second box to agree with the terms off agreement. Than click again on the red button "Stuur mij de stemlink" and go to your email inbox. Finally confirm your vote by clicking on the red bar in the email the VSB has send you.
Thanks a lot!!
And yes, you're welcome to spread this email to all of you contacts.


Attention: you have to vote until October 4th - so everyone be quick to support the EJC 2016 team by clicking on the link and voting for them!

That’s it. See you all in Almere next year!

Cheers and thank you,

Your EJC 2015 core-team